Toronto Weekend Walking Diary notes: Cafe X small specialty shops X Little Surprise - route (1)
Directions: King St to Lower Jarvis and Font St East (Neat St.Lawrence Market) Featured Cafe: Neo Coffee Bar Specialty shops: Kochi...
Midi-Pyrenees in France: Lourdes town is not just about religion (1)
Lourdes is a small town located in Pyrenees mountain. Each year it attracts crowds all over the world to visit, and in fact, these...
Portugal Porto (2): Chanced encounter of little small under shower
Photo: Apito On this rainy Monday, after meal I reached the Old Town. After the noisy atmosphere during the Saturday market, I think of...
Nostalgic Tokyo (2): Chance encounter with ARK HILLS in Akasaka Flea Market
Akasaka Flea Market which has been held for 25 times is now back to ARK HILLS located near Roppongi Itchome Eki. With spacious...
See how water is wasted from five areas!
Water resources will be the next increasingly important environmental issues. Recently we have seen a lot of creative and visionary...
Listen to stories in late afternoon in Madrid park
Many people will usually spend their leisurely afternoon weekend in El Retiro Park in Madrid, especially when it is now spring and it’s...
Three environmental-protection concepts that you need to know: It’s a change but also a return, a ki
You may have noticed that in a lot of aspects, we are in a transition era. The definition of success as in the past is no longer chased...