Three environmental-protection concepts that you need to know: It’s a change but also a return, a ki

You may have noticed that in a lot of aspects, we are in a transition era. The definition of success as in the past is no longer chased behind by the others. And indeed, for this new generation, success is not only on personal glory and fame, but they are also more concerned about whether or not they could contribute to solve the world's problems. We need a new life style which enables people to cooperate and live with environment. (Read: 2016 Milan Design Week: new materials made of Waste pine needles, new generation of designers are committed to improve the environment) The old consumption patterns will gradually be phased out, of course, we may have accumulated the convenient lifestyle that we find it hard to abandon. However, as long as we are conscious about, based on what we are doing, and then we can add the power of creativity and environmental mindsets so we will be able to replace the current vicious industrial / consumer products. We still can improve the environment and maintain convenient living in the same occasion. As a result, more and more idealistic individuals and businesses are investing effort to create the ideal win-win results, whether it is new material, process or product itself, they promote research and development, we've put together the following three directions to let you know.

Image : Biomega 'Bamboo' bike, by Ross Lovegrove Man-made synthetic materials no longer as a focus, but explore the characteristics of natural materials and use them. Bamboo-made sporting goods – lightweight and shockproof, bamboo in recent years has been widely used in sports such as inline skating and bicycle racks. Seaweed container - Can be extracted from nature, very suitable as a liquid container. Edible disposable tableware - many crops after proper formulation can be made edible disposable tableware.

Source:Bakey’s Reduce waste at source, take advantage of all the abandoned part of raw materials and given them new tasks. Shoes made of recycled fish skin: Salmon which is largely consumed – their abandoned skins could be used to make recycled fashion items. Recycling of waste pine leaves: Abandoned pine leaves can be widely used as new synthetic materials.

Image & Source:YANKO DESIGN Understand the mechanisms of nature, able to integrate natural conditions during product development. Plant Light: Plants can be simulated using LED sun-life light source Seaweed house: Danish island makes use of seaweed washed ashore on the beach to make a comfortable chalet. Garden landscape planting of native plants: ability to reduce the waste of irrigation water.

Photo: Helene Høyer Mikkelsen and Realdania Byg Let’s focus on and support the efforts of these attempts to change the status of the individuals / groups, so that new eco-friendly materials / products for the world tends to create more wonderful possibilities.